Mainstage Receives Funding from the New Jersey State Council for the Arts

Historically, the Annual Mainstage Blackwood Pumpkin Festival has been a great way to generate funds for Mainstage Center for the Arts.  Another great source of funding is the New Jersey State Council for the Arts.  So what is this Arts Council?

Well, in 1966, the legislature passed and the governor signed a law creating the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and directed the Council to do all that is necessary and appropriate to:

  • Support, encourage, and foster public interest in the arts
  • Enlarge public and private resources devoted to the arts
  • Promote freedom of expression in the arts
  • Facilitate the inclusion of art in every public building in New Jersey

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is a division of the New Jersey Department of State.  The Council works with a broad array of partner organizations in carrying out this work, all of which is governed by strategic plans made in the broader context of Arts Plan New Jersey. Among its programs, the Council administers the Arts Inclusion Act through which works of art are commissioned and installed in new state construction as well as the 1987 Cultural Centers Bond Act through which cultural centers are built and improved.

The Council's programs and services have earned national recognition for excellence, innovation and responsiveness to community needs.  Mainstage Center for the Arts is thankful for funding to support the work we do for our children.


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