Audition Notice: Chicago: High School Edition. (high School through adult)

               Thursday, September 27th, 6:30 - 9:30 pm

Sign up here for a time to audition:

WHERE: Mainstage Center for the Arts Academy Hall (27S Black Horse Pike, Blackwood, NJ 08012)

Callbacks if needed: Friday, September 28t h starting at 4 pm (if you are needed for callbacks, we will contact you via email)

PRODUCTION DATES: November 16th & 17th (3 performances & an invited dress)

**Note, this is the High School version of the musical, which omits “A Little Bit of Good” & “Class.”
**High School aged performers are required to donate or sell ads of a minimum of $50 dollars

WHO: Actors, Singers, and Dancers aged High School-Adult


-32 bars of a song in the style of the show, and please bring a backtrack on a CD, MP3 player or phone
-Headshot and resume
-Completed audition form with conflicts listed

-Please bring clothes and shoes to change into--all performers will be dancing at the audition
-You may be asked to read sides at your audition

- VIDEO SUBMISSIONS: We will be accepting video submissions, please follow instructions for the vocal audition and have it emailed to us ( ) no later than Wednesday, September 26th


*Please choose a time slot to come to on Tuesday or Thursday by signing up on our Signup Genius link.

Click here to register for an audition time.

*You will be singing first--there will be a group dance audition at the end of each group of vocal time slots.

*Please arrive 15-20 minutes before your scheduled audition to keep things on schedule and to make sure all your paperwork is filled out.

*Please fill out an audition form and conflict sheet prior to your arrival. Staff will be at the audition locations a half hour before each night begins.

Please bring the following conflict calendar and audition form  filled out to auditions:

Audition Form

October Conflict Calendar

November Conflict Calendar

*Rehearsals will take place Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, with some Saturdays, added. Tech is November 11-14.

*****If you are interested in being an intern for the show please contact us ASAP! This could be great for anyone who would like to be involved but cannot commit enough time to perform or if you are interested in helping with the production. Email Francine Odri at and Grace Szczepkowski

*Please note,
 the roles of Mama Morton and Billy Flynn have been cast. All other roles available.
*Also note, if you have been cast in Mainstage’s production of Charlie Brown you are still eligible to be cast in this show.

Please email Francine Odri at or Grace Szczepkowski at with any questions!


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