Mainstage Center for the Arts is preparing for it's BIG fundraiser , The Blackwood Pumpkin Festival, and with only a few weeks to go we don't have any where near the number of volunteers we need either for the days leading up to the event or the day of the event. If you are in the area and able to help it would mean a great deal. Just click on the link below to see what is needed. Thanks so much for considering this and please feel free to bring family and friends.
VOLUNTEER LINK: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D48ACAA2FA6FD0-pumpkin
As a volunteer the day of the event you will receive free parking,and a festival t-shirt . If you are not available on October 7th (raindate: Oct.14th) please consider assisting us with some of the advance prep or contributing to the various donations we can use to make this a BIG success. Thank you for reviewing the entire form and helping where you can.
We would like to thank you in advance for considering one or more time slots. Cashiers and MCA Booth attendants will also be needed. These positions may require additional training. If you have done these positions before or wish to be considered for any of these positions please e-mail:Meghan@mainstage.org.
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