Mainstage Center for the Arts' Performing Arts Academy to offer College Theatre Audition Intensive

Designed for high school juniors and seniors considering the possibility of majoring in Acting or Musical Theatre in college, this intensive runs Saturday, January 5 and January 12, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m, at Mainstage Center for the Arts' Performing Arts Academy.. 

Candidates will work with professionals in their field polishing monologues, and vocal music selections just in time for the Unified Auditions, which allow students to audition for numerous university programs in one location over the course of a few days.  

Mainstage's workshop will conclude with an audition in front of a panel who will give feedback on the auditions to better prepare candidates for college auditions.   The fee for this workshop is  $75. To register call 856-302-6485 between 10 and 2, or 5-8 Mondays through Thursdays.    


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