Harmony Ohana Hawaii Tour 2019- Day 4

This is the SHAKA sign. It means "hang loose" or just "Go With it"

Today may be the best day of All



Enjoy free time in Waikiki -- all day, all evening

                  There is a ton to do:

There will be more people in Waikiki - it is the weekend -- local time at the beach
swim at the beach
lounge at the pool
take an outrigger canoe or catamaran ride
Rent a paddle board or Jet Ski
Explore Waikiki and its many great shops, restaurants, hotels
Catch the Hawaiian show on the beach at sunset
Enjoy Pau Hana (Happy Hour)
Have a nice dinner
Catch a fun show at night
try to see all the FREE entertainment there is to see 
(trust me, you won't have time to see it all)
take a free ukulele lesson
talk pidgin with some of the old beach boys on the beach
Catch the sunset on Waikiki beach and take a moonlight stroll along the water's edge
Try some local delicasies


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